This provider generates a data report containing the dailty tracking logs data.
Tip: A tracking log represents the daily details of a tracking (a date, a progression, and some time spent).
For example, if a learner launched a resource yesterday at 8:42AM, spent 20 minutes on it, but didn't complete it; launched the resource again today at 2:10PM, spent 10 minutes, and completed it, you will have:
For example, if a learner launched a resource yesterday at 8:42AM, spent 20 minutes on it, but didn't complete it; launched the resource again today at 2:10PM, spent 10 minutes, and completed it, you will have:
- one tracking row with first launch date = yesterday 8:42AM, last access date = today 2:20PM, time spent = 30 minutes, progression = completed
- two tracking logs:
- one with log date = yesterday, time spent = 20 minutes, progression = incomplete
- the second with log date = today, time spent = 10 minutes, progression = completed
Note: When using this provider, the
For example, if you run the task 5 times in a row today (and there was no learner activity in the meantime), the 5 generated files will be identical (because the delta period = today, we export all tracking logs from today each time).
option will export all tracking logs for the full days of the delta period. For example, if you run the task 5 times in a row today (and there was no learner activity in the meantime), the 5 generated files will be identical (because the delta period = today, we export all tracking logs from today each time).
Available columns
Name | Type | Description |
candidateCustomFieldGuid |
string(250) | Data for one of the learner's possible custom fields (GUID of the custom field needs to be specified, please check the examples). |
candidateEmail |
string | The learner's e-mail address. |
candidateEntityAncestors |
string | The learner's entity ancestors. |
candidateEntityName |
string | The learner's entity name. |
candidateFirstname |
string | The learner's first name. |
candidateGuid |
string(40) | The learner's GUID. |
candidateId |
int | The database ID used to identify the learner. |
candidateLogin |
string | The learner's login. |
candidateName |
string | The learner's name (family name/surname). |
candidateRefNumber |
string | The learner's reference number. |
candidateSmartgroups |
string | The list of the learner's smartgroups names separated by semicolons. |
candidateTimeZone |
string(50) | The candidate's timezone. |
completionTime |
datetime | The date at which the content referenced by the tracking row has been last accessed |
constantValue |
string | Return the constant value specified in this column's child elements. |
contentGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the learning object version. |
contentLocale |
string(6) | The locale of the learning object version. |
contentRefNumber |
string | The reference number of the learning object version. |
contentTitle |
string | The title of the learning object version. |
firstCompletionDate |
datetime | The date and time at which the content referenced by the training has been completed for the first time. If this field is not present in the import files, but the data imported is considered completed, the value of this field will be automatically set to today. |
firstLaunchDate |
datetime | The date and time at which the content referenced by the tracking row has been launched for the first time. |
learningObjectGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the learning object. |
learningObjectPublisher |
datetime | The publisher of the learning object. |
learningObjectRealCompletionTime |
datetime | The last launch date of the resource, or NULL if the progression is not 100%. |
logDate |
date | The date at which the tracking log was created. |
progression |
float |
registrationGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the registration. |
reportGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the tracking row. |
reportId |
int | The database ID used to identify the tracking row. |
score |
float | The score the learner has achieved on the content. |
sessionEndDate |
date | The end date of the session. |
sessionGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the session. |
sessionId |
int | The database ID used to identify the session. |
sessionStartDate |
date | The start date of the session. |
sessionTitle |
string | The title of the session. |
status |
enum |
templatedValue |
string | A column to be used with the 'templates' option. This column requires an attribute 'templateId' which refers to the definition of one template. |
timeGlobal |
timeGlobalFormat |
trainingContentFolder |
string | The name of the folder in which the learning object is placed (inside the training course). |
trainingContentMandatory |
enum(Y, N) | The flag (Y or N) indicating if the learning object is mandatory in the context of the training course. |
trainingGuid |
string(40) | The GUID of the training course. |
trainingId |
int | The database ID used to identify the training course. |
trainingPathCode |
string | The reference number of the training course. |
trainingTitle |
string | The title of the training course. |
Filters and parameters
Name | Type | Description |
ancestorsWithCurrent |
yesNoElement | For each tracking data row, the learner's hierarchy can be exported with the other data. This parameter tells the provider whether to include the learner's group in the hierarchy or not. If set to `yes`, the learner's current group will be included. Otherwise, it will be removed from the exported hierarchy. |
catalogVisibility |
yesNoElement | Only export training courses that have the specified catalog visibility. |
dateFormat |
string | Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default date format is `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
dateTimeFormat |
string | Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`. |
deltaMode |
yesNoElement | Only export new data (with respect to the beginning of the previous export). In order for this parameter to work, the previous exports must have had a `guid` attribute (`<export guid='foo'>`). This feature cannot be used alongside `timeFramesScale`. When items are updated while the task is running, these updated items can be exported both during the current task and the next. |
entityIds |
string | A comma-separated list of the entity ids to filter on. If multiple entity IDs are provided, then the export will return data about learners who belong to at least one of those entities. |
learnersSmartGroups |
string | A list of IDs of smartgroups separated by commas. Allows to filter the exported results on the specified smartgroups. |
maxLength |
int | If not empty, this option will crop each value to the specified max length (each cell, not each line). |
modality |
enum('', learning_channel, kc, blended, campus, distanciel, mentored_action_learning, portal, serious_game, content_test, guided) | Only export data related to a training course that belongs to the specified modality. |
onlyFromImportedRegistrations |
yesNoElement | Only export tracking data related to registrations that were imported. |
onlyFromImportedSessions |
yesNoElement | Only export tracking data related to sessions that were imported. |
onlyFromImportedTraining |
yesNoElement | Only export tracking data related to trainings that were imported. |
onlyHrisSelectedItems |
string | Only export results defined in the BO of the CKLS for the HRIS connector. @see on Techwiki |
preferredLocales |
string | The comma-separated list of preferred locales. |
publishers |
string | Only export tracking data on content issued by the given publishers GUID. Multiple publishers may be specified in a comma-separated list. |
reportStatus |
reportStatus | Export tracking data that have the specified report statuses (several values can be given). |
sessionGuid |
string(40) | Only export data related to a training session that has the specified GUID. |
sessionTitle |
string | Only export data related to a training session that has a title that exactly matches the given string (except for the trainingSessionMetadataProvider and the sessionAuditMetadataProvider where the session title only needs to contain the given string) |
statusFormat |
statusFormat | This parameter is used to convert LMS progress status to Scorm-compliant progress status. |
stripHTML |
string | If not empty, this option will remove any HTML tag from the exported data. |
templates |
templates | The definition of a dynamic template, to allow to customize the returned value for a column. It also allows to combine the values of several columns into one. |
timeFrameScaleMode |
timeFrameScale | This parameter is used in addition to `timeFrames` and `timeFramesScale` to determine how the total time spent is estimated. Possible values are `lastActivity`, `lastActivityCumulative` or `timeSpent` |
timeFrames |
timeFrameScale | Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFramesScale.` |
timeFramesScale |
timeFrameScale | Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFrames`. |
timeGlobalFormat |
timeGlobalFormat | Time format in which the `timeGlobal` column should be exported |
trainingGuid |
string(40) | Only export data related to a training course that has the specified GUID. |
trainingModalityFormat |
string | Only export data related to the training courses with the chosen modality, filtered by their database name (ex: blended, guided, learning_channel). |
trainingPathCode |
string | Only export data related to a training course that has the specified code. |
trainingPublishers |
string | Only export data related to the list of publishers (linked to training courses), filtered by title. Can contain several values separated by commas. |
trainingStatus |
string | Only export training courses that have the specified statuses. This parameter contains a comma-separated list of training statuses (see the available values in column `trainingStatus`). |
trainingStatusFormat |
trainingStatusFormat | Configure what value to display for each training status value. |
withoutLaunchTime |
yesNoElement | Whether or not to export tracking data that has no launch date (the learner has never launched the content). By default, the provider will only export tracking data where the learner has launched the content at least once. Please note that this option should not be used together with the `timeFrames` options, as the `timeFrames` options are based on the learners activity, so using both options together will prevent from retrieving the data without activity. |
<dateTimeFormat>YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss</dateTimeFormat>