This provider generates a data report containing tracking on Blendedx activities. The following columns for each tracking row can be included in this report.

Available columns

Name Type Description
activityDuration int Duration of the activity.
activityFirstAccessDate datetime Indicates when the learner launched the activity for the first time
activityId int The ID used in the database to reference the Blendedx activity.
activityLastAccessDate datetime Indicates when the learner launched the activity for the last time
activityName string Name of the activity.
activityPoints int Points of the activity.
activityType string Label of the activity type (ex: Learning resource, Assessment, Survey...).
attendanceStatus enum(Present, Absent, Absent but excused, No information, Not applicable) Learner's attendance status (only available for classroom activities).
candidateCustomFieldGuid string(250) Data for one of the learner's possible custom fields (GUID of the custom field needs to be specified, please check the examples).
candidateEmail string The learner's e-mail address.
candidateEntityId int The ID used in the database to reference the learner's entity.
candidateEntityName string The learner's entity name.
candidateFirstname string The learner's first name.
candidateGuid string(40) The learner's GUID.
candidateId int The database ID used to identify the learner.
candidateLogin string The learner's login.
candidateName string The learner's name (family name/surname).
candidateRefNumber string The learner's reference number.
catalogVisibility enum(Y, N) "Y" if the training course associated with the current context is visible in the public catalogue, "N" otherwise.
feedbackDate datetime Indicates when the facilitator has sent his/her feedback
learningObjectGuid string(40) The GUID of the learning object.
learningObjectId int The ID used by the database to identify the learning object.
learningObjectVersionCode string The reference number of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionDisplayedType string(50) The type (interactive content, audio, image, ...) of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionGuid string(40) The GUID used by the database to identify the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionId int The ID used by the database to identify the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionLocale string(6) The locale of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionPublisher string The publisher of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionTitle string The title of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionType string(50) The runtime (SCORM, MP4, AICC, ...) of the learning object version.
likes int Displays the number of likes received for the activity.
pointsGained int Points gained on the content.
progressStatus enum(Not started, Started, Completed, Pending feeback, Feedback given) Activity's completion status (some statuses are only available depending on the activity type)
progression float
  • For Tracking and Tracking logs: the progress of the learner on the current content referenced by the tracking row.
  • For Blendedx registrations: the raw progress of the learner in the current session, based on the total points for all activities (= doesn't take into account the threshold).
  • For registrations in legacy modalities: the raw progress of the learner in the current session, based on all the resources, both optional and mandatory.
registrationDate datetime The date of the registration.
registrationGuid string(40) The GUID of the registration.
reportGuid string(40) The GUID of the tracking row.
reportId int The database ID used to identify the tracking row.
score float The score the learner has achieved on the content.
scoreNPS int Score of a NPS activity.
sessionEndDate date The end date of the session.
sessionGuid string(40) The GUID of the session.
sessionId int The database ID used to identify the session.
sessionStartDate date The start date of the session.
sessionTitle string The title of the session.
submissionDate datetime Indicates when the learner has submitted his/her assignment or reply.
timeSpent timeGlobalFormat
  • If the current context is a Registration: the total time the learner spent on the registration.
    timeSpent = timeGlobal + timeSpentCBT + timeSpentDigital
    If the options timeFrames and timeFramesScale are specified in the provider, then this value is filtered to only the time spent during the chosen period.
  • If the current context is an Activity: the time the learner spent on the activity.
trainingChapters longtext The chapter hierarchy of the training course.
trainingDuration string The duration of the training course.
trainingGuid string(40) The GUID of the training course.
trainingId int The database ID used to identify the training course.
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course.
trainingPublisher string The publisher of the training course.
trainingTitle string The title of the training course.

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description
activityType string Blendedx registrations are exported as soon as their related path contains at least one activity of this type. Other modalities' registrations are exported if the filter is 0 (content) and 4 (classroom) and contains CBT activities
catalogVisibility yesNoElement Only export training courses that have the specified catalog visibility.
dateFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default date format is `YYYY-MM-DD`.
dateTimeFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`.
deltaMode yesNoElement Only export new data (with respect to the beginning of the previous export). In order for this parameter to work, the previous exports must have had a `guid` attribute (`<export guid='foo'>`).
This feature cannot be used alongside `timeFramesScale`.
When items are updated while the task is running, these updated items can be exported both during the current task and the next.
entityIds string A comma-separated list of the entity ids to filter on. If multiple entity IDs are provided, then the export will return data about learners who belong to at least one of those entities.
learningObjectPublishersName string Only export data related to the list of publishers (linked to learning resources), filtered by title. Can contain several values separated by commas.
onlyFromImportedRegistrations yesNoElement Only export tracking data related to registrations that were imported.
onlyFromImportedSessions yesNoElement Only export tracking data related to sessions that were imported.
onlyFromImportedTraining yesNoElement Only export tracking data related to trainings that were imported.
preferredLocales string The comma-separated list of preferred locales.
reportStatus reportStatus Export tracking data that have the specified report statuses (several values can be given).
sessionGuid string(40) Only export data related to a training session that has the specified GUID.
sessionTitle string Only export data related to a training session that has a title that exactly matches the given string (except for the trainingSessionMetadataProvider and the sessionAuditMetadataProvider where the session title only needs to contain the given string)
timeFrames timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFramesScale.`
timeFramesScale timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFrames`.
timeGlobalFormat timeGlobalFormat Time format in which the `timeGlobal` column should be exported
trainingGuid string(40) Only export data related to a training course that has the specified GUID.
trainingPathCode string Only export data related to a training course that has the specified code.
trainingPublishers string Only export data related to the list of publishers (linked to training courses), filtered by title. Can contain several values separated by commas.


            <candidateName label="Nom"/>
            <candidateFirstname label="Prenom"/>
            <candidateLogin label="Login"/>
            <activityID label="CodeActivite"/>
            <activityName label="TitreActivite"/>
            <constantValue label="Langue" value=""/>
            <trainingId label="IdParcours"/>
            <trainingTitle label="TitreParcours"/>
            <trainingPathCode label="CodeFormation"/>
            <activityFirstAccessDate label="PremiereConnexion"/>
            <activityLastAccessDate label="DerniereConnexion"/>
            <activityLastAccessDate label="logDate"/>
            <progressStatus label="progressStatus"/>
            <attendanceStatus label="attendanceStatus"/>
            <progression label="Progression"/>
            <score label="Score"/>
            <timeSpent label="Temps"/>							