Import or update of tracking done by a learner on a learning resource. Consolidated tracking stands for a unique row that summarizes the history of a learner accessing a learning resource inside a training session from a training course.

Available columns

Name Type Description Mandatory
candidateEmail string The learner's e-mail address. No, but at least one of the fields `candidateLogin`, `candidateRefNumber` and `candidateEmail` must be specified
candidateLogin string The learner's login. No, but at least one of the fields candidateLogin, candidateRefNumber and candidateEmail must be specified
candidateRefNumber string The learner's reference number. No, but at least one of the fields candidateLogin, candidateRefNumber and candidateEmail must be specified
firstAccessDate datetime The date and time at which the content referenced by the tracking row has been launched for the first time. No
firstCompletionDate datetime The date and time at which the content referenced by the training has been completed for the first time. If this field is not present in the import files, but the data imported is considered completed, the value of this field will be automatically set to today. No
ignoredColumn Column present in the import file but to be ignored becuse it's not relevant for this import action No
lastAccessDate datetime The date and time at which the content referenced by the tracking row has been accessed for the last time. No
lovCode string The reference number of the learning object version. No, but at least one of the fields lovCode and lovGuid must be specified
lovGuid string(40) The GUID used by the database to identify the learning object version. No, but at least one of the fields lovCode and lovGuid must be specified
progression float
  • For Tracking and Tracking logs: the progress of the learner on the current content referenced by the tracking row.
  • For Blendedx registrations: the raw progress of the learner in the current session, based on the total points for all activities (= doesn't take into account the threshold).
  • For registrations in legacy modalities: the raw progress of the learner in the current session, based on all the resources, both optional and mandatory.
score float The score the learner has achieved on the content. No
scoreMax int The maximum score the learner can achieve on the content. No
sessionGuid string(40) The GUID of the session. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `sessionGuid` or `sessionTitle` or `sessionId`
sessionId int The database ID used to identify the session. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `sessionGuid` or `sessionTitle` or `sessionId`
sessionTitle string The title of the session. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `sessionGuid` or `sessionTitle` or `sessionId`
timeSpent timeGlobalFormat
  • If the current context is a Registration: the total time the learner spent on the registration.
    timeSpent = timeGlobal + timeSpentCBT + timeSpentDigital
    If the options timeFrames and timeFramesScale are specified in the provider, then this value is filtered to only the time spent during the chosen period.
  • If the current context is an Activity: the time the learner spent on the activity.
trackingStatus trackingStatus Completion status for the tracking currently imported. This is a mapping column, see specific documentation page for more details. No
trainingId int The database ID used to identify the training course. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `trainingId` or `trainingGuid` or `trainingPathCode` (not all these fields might be available in each provider)
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `trainingId` or `trainingGuid` or `trainingPathCode` (not all these fields might be available in each provider)

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description Mandatory
dateTimeFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`. No
defaultScoreMax int Default maximum score to be used when importing tracking. No
defaultTime time Time value which will be used when tracking date only contains dates but no times(e.g. MM-DD-YYY). Specify time in hh:ii:ss format. In case a date is imported without time, but the `defaultTime` parameter is not specified,the dates will be imported with the time 00:00:00. No
timeZone string(50) Time format in which the `timeGlobal` column should be exported, must be in TZ database format e.g.(America/Sao_Paulo). Full list available on Wikipedia No


			<lovCode/> <!-- use Code or Guid -->
			<sessionTitle/><!-- Use Title, Guid, Or Id -->
			<trainingPathCode/><!-- Use PathCode or Id -->
            <dateTimeFormat>YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS</dateTimeFormat>
            <timeZone>America/Sao_Paulo</timeZone><!-- needed for Importing time for Access Dates and Completion Date -->

Error Messages

Message Explanation
At least one of these element must be present: learning object version code or GUID. A tracking row needs to be associated to a learning object, therefore a reference (lovCode or lovGuid) has to be filled in the import file.
This learning object is provided by CrossKnowledge, and this report cannot be updated. Reports for CrossKnowledge learning objects cannot be modified by the import process.
This learning object is an EasyQuizz, and this report cannot be updated. Reports for Easyquizz learning objects cannot be modified by the import process.
At least one of these element must be present: learner login, reference number or email. A tracking needs to be associated to a learner, therefore a learner reference (candidateLogin, candidateRefNumber or candidateEmail) has to be filled in the import file.
At least one of the following to provide a precise context : "session GUID" or the couple "session title" & "training code".' A tracking needs to be associated to a context, therefore a context reference (sessionGuid, or sessionTitle and trainingPathCode) is required.
No registration found for given parameters. Given the learner and session information from the import file, the application failed to identify a registration.
You cannot set a first completion date if the LO is not completed. If during an import, the tracking row is “not completed” and firstCompletionDate is specified, then the row is rejected with the message: “You cannot set a first completion date if the LO is not completed”.