Create or update an intervention with respect to the data row from the import file.

Available columns

Name Type Description Mandatory
ignoredColumn Column present in the import file but to be ignored becuse it's not relevant for this import action No
interventionDate datetime Start date of the intervention. yes
interventionDuration int Duration of the intervention (in hours). yes
interventionGuid string(40) Unique GUID of the intervention (only for update). yes
interventionStatus enum(A, C) Status for the intervention currently imported. Possible values are A (Active) or C (Cancelled) yes
roomCapacity int Total number of places in this room. No
roomGuid string(40) Unique GUID of the room. yes
roomLabel string Label of the room. yes
sessionGuid string(40) The GUID of the session. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `sessionGuid` or `sessionTitle` or `sessionId`
sessionTitle string The title of the session. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `sessionGuid` or `sessionTitle` or `sessionId`
teacherLogin string Login of the teacher (back-office user) to assign as a teacher to the current intervention. yes
trainingGuid string(40) The GUID of the training course. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `trainingId` or `trainingGuid` or `trainingPathCode` (not all these fields might be available in each provider)
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `trainingId` or `trainingGuid` or `trainingPathCode` (not all these fields might be available in each provider)

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description Mandatory



Error Messages

Message Explanation
Field […] is empty. A mandatory field was not filled.
Training with guid […] is not found. A row from the import file has provided a training GUID that does not refer to any existing training course.
Training with path code […] is not found. A row from the import file has provided a training path code that does not refer to any existing training course.
Session with guid […] is not found for this training. A row from the import file has provided a session GUID that does not refer to any existing session for this training course.
Session with title […] is not found for this training. A row from the import file has provided a session title that does not refer to any existing session for this training course.
Date […] not valid. A row from the import file has provided an invalid intervention date, with respect to the ISO 8601 date format.
Teacher with login […] is not found. A row from the import file has provided a teacher login that does not refer to any existing teacher.
Status has invalid value […], […] or […] expected. A row from the import file has provided an intervention status that is different from those defined in the intervention status field.