This provider generates metadadata export report containing one line per Learning Object's localization, having the latest version of that LO for each language available on the platform

Available columns

Name Type Description
learningObjectVersionAssignements int The number of tracking rows associated with this learning object version.
learningObjectVersionAuthorFirstName string The first name of the author of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionAuthorId int The ID used by the database to identify the author of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionAuthorLastName string The last name of the author of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionAuthorsFullNames string The full name (first name + last name) of the author(s) of the learning object version. Values separated by commas.
learningObjectVersionAuthorsIds string The internal GUID used to identify the author(s) of the learning object version. Values separated by commas.
learningObjectVersionAverageCompletionTime int The average time spent by learners of the learning object version (in minutes).
learningObjectVersionAverageScore float The average rating of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionCode string The reference number of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionCompletions int The number of tracking rows associated with the learning object version which are completed.
learningObjectVersionCreationDate datetime The date at which the learning object version was created.
learningObjectVersionDisplayedType string(50) The type (interactive content, audio, image, ...) of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionDuration int The duration of the learning object version (in minutes).
learningObjectVersionFirstLaunchDate datetime The date at which the learning object version was launched for the first time.
learningObjectVersionGuid string(40) The GUID used by the database to identify the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionId int The ID used by the database to identify the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionIncludedInLO longtext Metadata field 'Included in this learning product' of learning object version.
learningObjectVersionIsMobile enum(true, false) Metadata field 'Launchable in the Learn application' of learning object version.
learningObjectVersionLastLaunchDate datetime The date at which the learning object version was launched for the last time.
learningObjectVersionLearningPoints string Metadata field 'What you will learn' of learning object.
learningObjectVersionLevel enum(0, 1, 2, 3) The level of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionLoGuid string(40) The GUID of the original learning object.
learningObjectVersionLoId int The ID used by the database to identify the original learning object.
learningObjectVersionLocale string(6) The locale of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionModificationDate datetime The date at which the learning object version was modified for the last time.
learningObjectVersionPublisher string The publisher of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionStatus enum(Validated, Disabled, Under construction, Pending validation) The status of a Learning Object version
learningObjectVersionSummary longtext The summary (description) of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionTags longtext The tags associated with the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionTargetAudience longtext The target audience of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionThemes longtext A comma separated list of the themes of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionThumbnailLarge url The URL to the large-sized thumbnail of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionThumbnailMedium url The URL to the medium-sized thumbnail of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionThumbnailSmall url The URL to the small-sized thumbnail of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionTitle string The title of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionTotalTimeSpent int The total time spent on the learning object version by all learners of the platform (in minutes).
learningObjectVersionType string(50) The runtime (SCORM, MP4, AICC, ...) of the learning object version.
learningObjectVersionVersion int The version number of the learning object version.

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description
dateFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default date format is `YYYY-MM-DD`.
dateTimeFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`.
durationFormat enum(hh:mm:ss, minutes, seconds) Format for durations in the exported data (ex: learning resource duration).
excludeDeactivatedContents yesNoElement Excludes learning object versions that have `Disabled` status
maxLength int If not empty, this option will crop each value to the specified max length (each cell, not each line).
onlyHrisSelectedItems string Only export results defined in the BO of the CKLS for the HRIS connector.
@see on Techwiki
preferredLocales string The comma-separated list of preferred locales.
stripHTML string If not empty, this option will remove any HTML tag from the exported data.
templates templates The definition of a dynamic template, to allow to customize the returned value for a column. It also allows to combine the values of several columns into one.
timeFrames timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFramesScale.`
timeFramesScale timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFrames`.

