Create or update a training course with respect to the data row from the import file. It is possible to update existing training courses by matching the `trainingPathCode` columns.

Available columns

Name Type Description Mandatory
ignoredColumn Column present in the import file but to be ignored becuse it's not relevant for this import action No
lovCodes longtext This option references the LO's refNumber and is used to specify wich LOs are included in the training course. It's possible to separate LOs by step with double pipe "||" and into the step with comma "," (ex: "REF1,REF2||REF3||REF4"). Column itself must be added in the XML configuration file, but can remain empty in the CSV file by setting <mandatory>no</mandatory> inside the field's tag.
trainingAction enum(M, A) Flag to define wether the current data row should update the related training course ('M') or delete it ('A'). When unset, the default behaviour is to updated it. No
trainingAudience longtext The target audience of the training course (metadata field 'Who should attend?'). No
trainingCost string Metadata 'Price' of the training course. No
trainingDescription longtext The description of the training course. No
trainingDuration string The duration of the training course. No
trainingFurtherInformation longtext Further information on the training course (metadata field 'Further information'). No
trainingLocale string(6) The main locale of the training course. No
trainingModality enum(learning_channel, kc, distanciel, blended, campus, mentored_action_learning, portal, serious_game, public_course, vodeclic, learning_feed, content_test) The modality of the training course. Yes when using `createOrUpdateTrainingCourseAction`.
trainingOutcomes longtext Metadata 'Learning outcomes' of the training course. No
trainingOverview longtext Metadata 'Training course overview' of the training course. No
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course. No, but at least one of the following fields must be specified: `trainingId` or `trainingGuid` or `trainingPathCode` (not all these fields might be available in each provider)
trainingSteps longtext This option is used to describe steps that will be added or updated. This option is only used for blended and blendedx modalities. This option is mandatory for blended modality, and mandatory for blendedx on course creation, but not for course update. Steps are separated by double pipe “||” and the separator used to separate step title and step duration is “|>”. A step is described by “StepTitle|>StepDuration” where StepTitle cannot be empty and duration is optionnal and it's a integer which represents step duration in days (eg : "Intro|>1||Basics|>2||Advanced concepts|>4||Conclusion"). No
trainingTitle string The title of the training course. No
trainingWelcomeText longtext The welcome text of the training course. No
trainingWhatYouWillLearn longtext Metadata 'What you will learn' of the training course. No

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description Mandatory
fullAccess yesNoElement If set to `no`, the import will only update the data which have been previously created or updated by the generic import itself. No

Borderline cases

  • Blendedˣ training update

⋅⋅⋅On Blendedˣ update, if some LOs needs to be added, they are added at the end of the last step of the training. Furthermore, it’s not possible to remove LOs and remove or update Steps.

⋅⋅⋅On Blendedˣ import, we create Content Milestones with some default values : Path menu title : LO title, Duration : LO duration, Max points : LO duration, Title : LO title, Subtitle : empty, CTA : “Epilang(Next)”.


			<trainingAction/><!-- Training Action and PathCode Mandatory -->

Error Messages

Message Explanation
Field [...] is empty. A mandatory field was not filled.
lovCodes error: LOV ref number [...] is more than one LO or doesn't exist. A row from the import file has provided an LOV reference number that references several LOVs, therefore, the application is not able to choose which one to include in the training course.
The modality must be distancelearning, knowledgecommunity, learning_channel or blended, [...] detected." A row from the import file has provided a trainingModality value that is not allowed.
You can't change the training's modality. A rwo from the import tries to modify the modality of an existing training. This action is not allowed.
The field "trainingSteps" can't be empty when importing a blended training. A row from the import sets up a blended training but an empty value was found in the trainingSteps field.
Step title error at step #[...] : The result of the title's sanitization is empty. The title of the step #[…] is empty. A title must be defined for each step.