Export the metadata of training courses.

Available columns

Name Type Description
constantValue string Return the constant value specified in this column's child elements.
creationDate date The date at which the object (learner, training course or training session) was created.
description longtext The description of the main object from the current row.
modality enum(learning_channel, kc, distanciel, blended, campus, mentored_action_learning, portal, serious_game, public_course, vodeclic, learning_feed, content_test) The modality of the associated training course.
modificationDate datetime The date at which the object (training course, training session) was last modified.
pathModificationDate datetime The date at which the associated training course was last modified (learning object added, folders reorganized,...).
title string The title of the main object exported (when there is only one type of object exported). For example, you will need more specific columns when exporting registrations or tracking (learningObjectVersionTitle, sessionTitle, trainingTitle...)
trainingGuid string(40) The GUID of the training course.
trainingId int The database ID used to identify the training course.
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course.
trainingPublisher string The publisher of the training course.

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description
dateFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default date format is `YYYY-MM-DD`.
dateTimeFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`.
deltaMode yesNoElement Only export new data (with respect to the beginning of the previous export). In order for this parameter to work, the previous exports must have had a `guid` attribute (`<export guid='foo'>`).
This feature cannot be used alongside `timeFramesScale`.
When items are updated while the task is running, these updated items can be exported both during the current task and the next.
exportAllSessions yesNoElement Whether to include failed connections.
lastNFullMonths int Similar to the 'timeFrames*' options. Filter to only export data created or updated less than N full months ago.
Overrides 'timeFrameScale' and 'lastNMonths' options.
lastNMonths int Similar to the 'timeFrames*' options. Filter to only export data created or updated less than N months ago.
Overrides 'timeFrameScale' option.
maxLength int If not empty, this option will crop each value to the specified max length (each cell, not each line).
modality enum('', learning_channel, kc, blended, campus, distanciel, mentored_action_learning, portal, serious_game, content_test, guided) Only export data related to a training course that belongs to the specified modality.
onlyFromImportedTraining yesNoElement Only export tracking data related to trainings that were imported.
onlyHrisSelectedItems string Only export results defined in the BO of the CKLS for the HRIS connector.
@see on Techwiki
sessionGuid string(40) Only export data related to a training session that has the specified GUID.
sessionTitle string Only export data related to a training session that has a title that exactly matches the given string (except for the trainingSessionMetadataProvider and the sessionAuditMetadataProvider where the session title only needs to contain the given string)
stripHTML string If not empty, this option will remove any HTML tag from the exported data.
templates templates The definition of a dynamic template, to allow to customize the returned value for a column. It also allows to combine the values of several columns into one.
timeFrames timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFramesScale.`
timeFramesScale timeFrameScale Once a learner has completed a learning object or activity, a completion date will be saved in the associated tracking row. This parameter is used to the provider to only export tracking data where the completion date is in a certain time span. Must be used with `timeFrames`.
trainingGuid string(40) Only export data related to a training course that has the specified GUID.
trainingPathCode string Only export data related to a training course that has the specified code.
trainingStatus string Only export training courses that have the specified statuses. This parameter contains a comma-separated list of training statuses (see the available values in column `trainingStatus`).
trainingStatusFormat trainingStatusFormat Configure what value to display for each training status value.
trainingTitle string Only export data related to a training course that has a title that contains the given string.

