Export gamification badges received by learners.

Available columns

Name Type Description
badge string Label of the badge.
badgeCategory enum(Gold, Silver, Bronze, One shot, Custom) Badge category.
badgeCode string Unique ID/code for a badge.
badgeDateTime datetime Date time the badge was acquired.
candidateCustomFieldGuid string(250) Data for one of the learner's possible custom fields (GUID of the custom field needs to be specified, please check the examples).
candidateEmail string The learner's e-mail address.
candidateEntityName string The learner's entity name.
candidateFirstname string The learner's first name.
candidateGuid string(40) The learner's GUID.
candidateId int The database ID used to identify the learner.
candidateLogin string The learner's login.
candidateName string The learner's name (family name/surname).
candidateRefNumber string The learner's reference number.
constantValue string Return the constant value specified in this column's child elements.
gamificationLocale string Code of the current locale.

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description
badgeCategory enum(gold, silver, bronze) Restrict on certain badge 'colors'. Only one value is allowed.
dateTimeFormat string Format for dates in the exported data. When not specified, the default value is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss`.
deltaMode yesNoElement Only export new data (with respect to the beginning of the previous export). In order for this parameter to work, the previous exports must have had a `guid` attribute (`<export guid='foo'>`).
This feature cannot be used alongside `timeFramesScale`.
When items are updated while the task is running, these updated items can be exported both during the current task and the next.
entityIds string A comma-separated list of the entity ids to filter on. If multiple entity IDs are provided, then the export will return data about learners who belong to at least one of those entities.
learnersSmartGroups string A list of IDs of smartgroups separated by commas. Allows to filter the exported results on the specified smartgroups.
maxLength int If not empty, this option will crop each value to the specified max length (each cell, not each line).
preferredLocales string The comma-separated list of preferred locales.
stripHTML string If not empty, this option will remove any HTML tag from the exported data.
templates templates The definition of a dynamic template, to allow to customize the returned value for a column. It also allows to combine the values of several columns into one.


            <dateTimeFormat>YYYY-MM-DD hh:ii:ss</dateTimeFormat>