This parameter determines the format of the in which the “total time spent” on a specific learning object should be exported by the provider. It accepts the following values (example shows how 1 hour 25 minutes 15 seconds would be shown):

Type Example Description
iso-8601 PT1H25M15S More information can be found here
rawSeconds 5115 Represents the “total time spent” in seconds. This will be used by default if no format is specified.
rawMinutes 85.25 Represents the “total time spent” in minutes, with 2 digits after the decimal point.
padded 001:25 Represents the “total time spent” in the hhh:ii (hhh = hours, padded to the left with 0’s until it has 3 digits, ii = minutes, padded to the left with 0’s until it has 2 digits) format.
paddedhh 01:25 Represents the “total time spent” in the hh:ii (hhh = hours, padded to the left with 0’s until it has 2 digits, ii = minutes, padded to the left with 0’s until it has 2 digits) format.