This provider exports data about a specified set of training courses.

Available columns

Name Type Description
catalogVisibility enum(Y, N) "Y" if the training course associated with the current context is visible in the public catalogue, "N" otherwise.
constantValue string Return the constant value specified in this column's child elements.
description longtext The description of the main object from the current row.
modality enum(learning_channel, kc, distanciel, blended, campus, mentored_action_learning, portal, serious_game, public_course, vodeclic, learning_feed, content_test) The modality of the associated training course.
title string The title of the main object exported (when there is only one type of object exported). For example, you will need more specific columns when exporting registrations or tracking (learningObjectVersionTitle, sessionTitle, trainingTitle...)
trainingAudience longtext The target audience of the training course (metadata field 'Who should attend?').
trainingBOLink url The URL to the record page of the training course.
trainingBenefits longtext The benefits of the training course (metadata field 'Learning outcomes').
trainingChapters longtext The chapter hierarchy of the training course.
trainingDescription longtext The description of the training course.
trainingDuration string The duration of the training course.
trainingFolderDescription longtext The descriptions of the folders in the training course, separated by commas.
trainingFurtherInformation longtext Further information on the training course (metadata field 'Further information').
trainingGoals longtext The goals of the training course (metadata field 'What you will learn').
trainingGuid string(40) The GUID of the training course.
trainingId int The database ID used to identify the training course.
trainingLearningPath longtext The overview of the training course (metadata field 'Training course overview').
trainingLocale string(6) The main locale of the training course.
trainingPathCode string The reference number of the training course.
trainingPrice string The price of the training course.
trainingPublisher string The publisher of the training course.
trainingStatus enum(C, P, A) The validation status of the training course. The values displayed in this column are C, P, A which respectively mean Under Construction, Published, Archive. These values can be configured via the `trainingStatusFormat` parameter.
trainingTitle string The title of the training course.
trainingWelcomeText longtext The welcome text of the training course.

Filters and parameters

Name Type Description
catalogVisibility yesNoElement Only export training courses that have the specified catalog visibility.
maxLength int If not empty, this option will crop each value to the specified max length (each cell, not each line).
selectedLocales string The comma-separated list of selected locales.
stripHTML string If not empty, this option will remove any HTML tag from the exported data.
templates templates The definition of a dynamic template, to allow to customize the returned value for a column. It also allows to combine the values of several columns into one.
trainingIds string Only export data related to the training courses that have an ID included in the comma-separated list specified in this parameter.
trainingStatus string Only export training courses that have the specified statuses. This parameter contains a comma-separated list of training statuses (see the available values in column `trainingStatus`).
trainingStatusFormat trainingStatusFormat Configure what value to display for each training status value.

